- Poster's age : 27
- Mobile :
- City : Oakland/East Bay
- Location : East Bay, San Ramon SPECIALS
°o★o° BUSTY 100 SPECIALS °o★o° E_X_O_T_I_C o★o° (((ISLAND GIRL))) - 21
Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 01:48 PM | 4 views
♥As a MeMoRaBLe MoMenT FoR YoU iN tHe eArLy MoRniNg, MiddLE oF tHe dAY oR aFteR hOuRs I oFFeR A sEnSuaL & ReLaxiNg epERiEncE tHat WiLL cHaNge tHe WaY yOu LooK aT QuaLitY cOmPaniOnsHiP & AdVenTurE.
I aM VERY cLeAn, DiScReeT, aNd pRoviDe ReaL QuaLiTy cOmPaNioNsHip
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